Sourashtra Wedding Rituals & Sourashtra Marriage Procedure


Engagement Ceremony

Nischayathartham – The initial step towards a Sourashtra wedding is the Nischayathartham, where the families of the bride and groom formally meet to finalize the marriage alliance. This auspicious occasion involves the exchange of betel leaves and nuts between the families, symbolizing acceptance and agreement.

Vritham – As a gesture of goodwill and to express their approval of the alliance, the groom’s family visits the bride’s house for the Vritham ceremony. They bring gifts such as clothes, jewelry, fruits, and other auspicious items. This ritual strengthens the bond between the families and marks the beginning of the wedding preparations.


Pre-Wedding Rituals

Oduvam – Oduvam is a significant pre-wedding ritual in Sourashtra weddings. It takes place separately at the bride’s and groom’s homes, usually a day before the wedding ceremony. Oduvam is a traditional purification ritual conducted by the family priest.

Pallikai Thellichal – A few days before the wedding, the Pallikai Thellichal ceremony takes place separately at the homes of the bride and groom. Earthen pots are filled with grains and beautifully decorated. These pots represent abundance and fertility. They are then placed around a lit lamp, signifying prosperity and blessings for the couple’s future.

Nalangu – The Nalangu ceremony is a joyous and entertaining pre-wedding ritual. It takes place on the day of the wedding at both the bride and groom’s homes. The bride and groom sit facing each other, and the women from both families apply turmeric paste on their faces, hands, and feet. The atmosphere is filled with laughter, singing, and playful teasing, making it a delightful and memorable event.


Wedding Ceremony

Kashi Yatra – The wedding day begins with the Kashi Yatra ritual. In this lighthearted custom, the groom pretends to embark on a journey to Kashi, which is considered a pilgrimage site. Symbolically, he expresses his intention to lead an ascetic life. However, the bride’s father intervenes, persuading the groom to choose marriage instead of renunciation. It showcases the importance of family and the groom’s commitment to his future spouse.

Gauri Pooja – Before the wedding ceremony, the bride performs the Gauri Pooja. She worships Goddess Gauri, seeking blessings for a blissful and prosperous married life. This ritual emphasizes the bride’s spiritual preparations and her desire for marital harmony and happiness.

Mandap Puja – The mandap, the sacred wedding canopy, is beautifully decorated with flowers and traditional motifs. The priest performs various rituals to invoke the blessings of deities and ancestors. The mandap symbolizes a sacred space where the union of the bride and groom will take place in the presence of the divine.

Kanyadaan – One of the most emotional moments of a Sourashtra wedding is the Kanyadaan. The bride’s father gives away his daughter’s hand in marriage to the groom. It represents the trust and responsibility placed upon the groom to take care of his wife and uphold the family’s honor. The groom accepts this responsibility and promises to cherish and protect his bride.

Muhurtham – The Muhurtham is the auspicious time when the bride and groom exchange garlands. This ritual signifies their acceptance of each other as life partners. As they exchange the floral garlands, the atmosphere is filled with joy, applause, and the blessings of the elders.

Mangalya Dharanam – The groom ties the mangalsutra, a sacred thread with a pendant, around the bride’s neck. The mangalsutra represents the marital bond and is a symbol of the groom’s love, commitment, and protection towards his wife. This ritual is a significant milestone in the wedding ceremony.

Naandhi Homam – Naandhi Homam is a fire ritual performed on the wedding day in Sourashtra weddings to seek divine blessings and protection for a harmonious marriage. Conducted at a designated area in the wedding venue, the priest leads the ceremony, reciting Vedic hymns and mantras. The couple and their families offer ghee, rice, grains, and herbs into the sacred fire. This ritual invokes the blessings of the deities, ensuring a prosperous and blissful married life for the couple.

These rituals, from Nischayathartham to Naandhi Homam, encapsulate the rich traditions and spiritual essence of Sourashtra weddings, creating a sacred and joyful union for the couple.